A Mixed-Method Approach to Investigate the Effect of Flipped Inquiry-Based Learning on Chemistry Students Learning

Benjamin Aidoo 1 * , Christian Anthony-Krueger 2, Alexander Obiri Gyampoh Gyampoh 3, Johnson Tsyawo 4, Francis Quansah 5
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1 School of Education, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, ICELAND
2 Department of Science Education, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, GHANA
3 Kibi College of Education, Kibi, GHANA
4 Jasikan College of Education, Jasikan, GHANA
5 Fosu College of Education, Assin-Fosu, GHANA
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 507-518. https://doi.org/10.30935/scimath/12339
Published: 11 August 2022
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This study investigated the effects of flipped inquiry-based learning approach (FIBL) on chemistry students’ academic performance and learning experiences. This study utilized a mixed research methods approach with a quasi-experimental design. A convenient sampling technique was used to identify pre-service teachers studying chemistry at the college of education in Ghana. Quantitative data was obtained using a chemistry academic achievement test and critical thinking skills test. Qualitative data was obtained through a focus group conducted in the experimental class. Results from the quantitative data analysis showed a significant increase in students’ academic performance and critical thinking skills in the pre-and post-test scores in experimental classes. Female pre-service teachers performed better with higher scores in chemistry learning outcomes than their male colleagues. In addition, the focus group results showed that students had positive views on learning in the FIBL environment in terms of learning convenience, peer collaboration, conceptual understanding, and learning skills. The study provides insight into flipped and inquiry-based learning as effective pedagogical approaches for delivering chemistry instructions. Overall, the results show that flipped inquiry-based learning is an effective pedagogical approach enabling students to develop learning potentials in chemistry.


Aidoo, B., Anthony-Krueger, C., Gyampoh, A. O. G., Tsyawo, J., & Quansah, F. (2022). A Mixed-Method Approach to Investigate the Effect of Flipped Inquiry-Based Learning on Chemistry Students Learning. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(4), 507-518. https://doi.org/10.30935/scimath/12339


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