First-year engineering students’ affective behavior about mathematics in relation to their performance

Areti Panaoura 1 * , Marios Charalambides 1, Eleni Tsolaki 1, Savvas Pericleous 1
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1 Frederick University, Nicosia, CYPRUS
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 128-138.
Published Online: 10 November 2023, Published: 01 January 2024
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The present study examines the first-year engineering students’ attitudes towards mathematics, their beliefs and self-efficacy about mathematics, as part of their affective performance, in relation to their mathematical academic performance before and after attending an introductory mathematics course. It aims to contribute on the ongoing discussion about the teaching of mathematics at the level of higher education in engineering programs. First-year engineering students completed a questionnaire and a test after their entrance at the university. Their mathematical performance was examined by using their results at the midterm and the final mathematical mark during AMAT111 course offered at the first semester of their studies. Results indicated that aspects of the affective domain were related with students’ performance, while the predominant role belonged to their previous mathematical knowledge and skills (as learning outcome of the high school education), which undoubtedly need further enhancement. The belief about a formalistic perspective of mathematics and the lack of understanding of the implementation of the mathematical concepts on engineering problem solving situations were obstacles for them on recognizing the importance of attending mathematics courses as part of their engineering studies. Discussion concentrates on the following up steps, which have to be done at the level of higher education in order to face the initial difficulties, which have been identified.


Panaoura, A., Charalambides, M., Tsolaki, E., & Pericleous, S. (2024). First-year engineering students’ affective behavior about mathematics in relation to their performance. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 12(1), 128-138.


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