The effect of social media and lecturer's direct instruction on students' digital sculpting skills
Tiantada Hiranyachattada 1 * ,
Kampanat Kusirirat 1 More Detail
1 Program of Animation and Digital Media, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. 163-169.
OPEN ACCESS 1689 Views 1079 Downloads
As the technology continues to advance, it becomes imperative to use technology as a tool for learning. In learning 3D animation field, digital sculpting skills are one of the important skills for students; however, each student has different learning ability, which are obstacles in doing digital sculpting. In this research, we use the social media and lecturer’s direct instructions to promote students’ digital sculpting skills. In methodology, we create a learning management plan of our learning method, then let the students practise digital sculpting by using video sharing and group discussion via Facebook group, together with lecturer’s direct instructions both inside and outside the classroom. Analysis shows that the students have improved their digital sculpting skills and are satisfied with this learning method. Social media and lecturer’s direct instructions act as a useful learning method and instrument for students’ discussion, practising and researching.
Hiranyachattada, T., & Kusirirat, K. (2020). The effect of social media and lecturer's direct instruction on students' digital sculpting skills.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8(4), 163-169.
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