In-service training argumentation application for elementary school teachers: Pilot study

Mensure Alkis Kucukaydin 1, Safak Ulucinar Sagir 2, Ilker Kosterelioglu 2
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1 Amasta University, Institute of Social Science, Amasya, Turkey
2 Amasya University, Faculty of Education, Amasya, Turkey
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 158-164.
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Science Course Curriculum was revised in Turkey in 2013 and some methods and strategies were suggested to be included such as argumentation. This study includes the evaluation of in-service training applied as pilot study for introducing argumentation to elementary school teachers. The study consists of applying needs analysis, preparing and applying programme and then evaluating the effectiveness of in-service training programme. After the application we made suggestions for main implementation according to the findings of pilot study.


Alkis Kucukaydin, M., Ulucinar Sagir, S., & Kosterelioglu, I. (2017). In-service training argumentation application for elementary school teachers: Pilot study. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 5(2), 158-164.


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