Mathematics teaching efficacy among traditional and non-traditional elementary pre-service teachers

Vivian R. Moody 1 * , Kanita K. DuCloux 1
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1 Department of Mathematics, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, United States
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 105-114.
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This study examined the mathematics teaching efficacy of traditional and non-traditional elementary pre-service teachers enrolled in a three-course, three-semester mathematics sequence. Self-efficacy scales were administered at the beginning of the three-course sequence and at the end. The three-course mathematics sequence was taught from a constructivist approach and emphasized a socio-constructivist learning environment in which the pre-service teachers were challenged to construct their own meaning of mathematics. Results showed that for the non-traditional pre-service teachers, self-efficacy levels for teaching elementary school mathematics were significantly different at the end of their enrollment in the three-course mathematics sequence than at the beginning. This study also revealed that for the traditional pre-service teachers, self-efficacy levels with regards to affecting student success regardless of external factors remained the same or were not significantly different, suggesting the need for further research in this area.


Moody, V. R., & DuCloux, K. K. (2015). Mathematics teaching efficacy among traditional and non-traditional elementary pre-service teachers. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(2), 105-114.