New trends in computer math teaching

Agustin de la Villa 1 * , Alejandro Lois 2, Liliana Milevicich 2, Angel Martin del Rey 3, Gerardo Rodriguez 3
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1 Applied Mathematics, Pontificia Comillas University, Madrid, Spain
2 Applied Mathematics, National Technological University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
3 Applied Mathematics, Salamanca University, Salamanca, Spain
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 2, Issue 2A, pp. 79-85.
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In the first section of this paper we analyze the possibilities for using the new technologies and the corresponding changes in the methodologies to be used.We continue with some thoughts on the use of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in cases of applications of mathematics in Engineering. The use of CAS is now a common practice that has changed the behavior of teachers and students in teaching. Therefore, we must design courses considering the great potential of computer algebra systems to enhance learning.The methodological change should not be exclusive to the teaching methodology. At present, there is a debate on how to integrate CAS to help in assessment tasks and how to use CAS without limiting its use to the practical exams in Mathematics Laboratories.Thanks to the possibilities provided by the use of computers, it seems reasonable to change the teaching materials and the way in we assess the students.Finally, we will describe two experiences for an integrated use of a CAS in basic math courses that is currently being offered in Spanish engineering schools.


de la Villa, A., Lois, A., Milevicich, L., del Rey, A. M., & Rodriguez, G. (2014). New trends in computer math teaching. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(2A), 79-85.


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