Secondary teachers' operationalisation of mathematical literacy
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1 Faculty of Humanities and Education, Volda University College, Volda, Norway
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 115-135.
OPEN ACCESS 2631 Views 1733 Downloads
This article reports a qualitative study of teachers’ operationalisation of mathematical literacy. A model representing the multifaceted nature of mathematical literacy is used to analyse video recordings of mathematics teaching in three grade 9 classes. Analysis indicates that teachers’ operationalisation of mathematical literacy appears to be fragmented and that teaching is focused on developing procedural fluency. Mathematical literacy was introduced in the Norwegian curriculum in 2006 and is considered a basic skill which should be developed across subjects. However, it appears that teachers still struggle to implement teaching to develop this competence.
Bolstad, O. H. (2020). Secondary teachers' operationalisation of mathematical literacy.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8(3), 115-135.
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