Students' views on mathematics in single-sex and coed classrooms in Ghana

Emmanuel Adu-tutu Bofah 1 * , Markku S Hannula 1
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1 Department of Teacher Education, Unversity of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 229-250.
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In this study, we investigated students’ views on themselves as learners of mathematics as a function of school-by-sex (N = 2034, MAge = 18.49, SDAge = 1.25; 12th-grade; 58.2% girls). Using latent variable Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the measurement and structural equivalence as well as the equality of latent means of scores across single-sex and coed schools were tested. Findings regarding the latent mean differences revealed that girls in single-sex schools had significantly higher mathematics self-confidence than did students’ in coed schools. Girls in coed schools had significantly lower mathematics self-concepts than did boys in single-sex, girls in single-sex and boys in coed schools. Girls in single-sex schools had significantly higher family encouragement than students’ in all other school types. Moreover, a more complex dynamics were found on the teacher quality variate. This paper argues for a deeper understanding of sex-school interaction and of possible causes of students’ views on mathematics.


Bofah, E. A.-T., & Hannula, M. S. (2016). Students' views on mathematics in single-sex and coed classrooms in Ghana. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(2), 229-250.