Towards exploring expertise in mathematics education research: What are the requirements and duties of the researchers?
Igor' Kontorovich 1 * ,
Orit Hazzan 1 More Detail
1 Department of Education in Technology and Science, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 2, Issue 2A, pp. 160-168.
OPEN ACCESS 1472 Views 819 Downloads
While considerable resources are invested in mathematics educational research and in nurturing future scholars, little is known about expertise in this field. In this paper, we explore the requirements and duties of mathematics educational researchers, as a preliminary step towards characterizing the components of their expertise. The data corpus of the study consisted of 57 position announcements for assistant and associate professor in 48 universities and 4 colleges located in thirty US states. An inductive content analysis revealed four types of requirements and duties: (1) required background in mathematics and mathematics education; (2) teaching and mentoring duties; (3) research and publishing obligations; (4) department and university duties. The implications of the findings are discussed from the perspectives of high-education programs and graduate students who are considering mathematics education research as their career track. The findings are used to formulate goals and questions for further studies.
Kontorovich, I., & Hazzan, O. (2014). Towards exploring expertise in mathematics education research: What are the requirements and duties of the researchers?.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(2A), 160-168.
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