Impact of Using History of Mathematics on Students’ Mathematics Attitude: A Meta-Analysis Study
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1 Assist. Prof. Dr, Department of Elementary Mathematics Education, Bozok University, Yozgat, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
EUR J SCI MATH ED, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 337-349.
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The main objective of hereby study is to unearth the big picture, reaching studies about influence of using history of mathematics on attitude of mathematics among students. 6 studies with a total effect size of 14 that comply with coding protocol and comprise statistical values necessary for meta-analysis are combined via meta-analysis method among 53 studies on history of mathematics since 2000. The validity of the study is determined by means of funnel plot, Orwin’s FSN and Egger’s regression tests, while the reliability of coding protocol is identified through calculation of Cohen Kappa inter-coder agreement value. The model to be used in the analysis is decided with the help of homogeneity test, Q and I² statistic. In analyses, the Cohen d effect size of each comparative study is calculated. At the end of the study, it is found that no publication bias exists since Orwin’s FSN is calculated as 119 and the Funnel plot, pursuant to Egger’s regression test, has a symmetric structure. The inter-coder reliability is detected as 1.00. As the value I² displays low level heterogeneity with 16.622%, fixed effect model is used for analysis. Average effect size is found d = 0.095 (lower limit and upper limit of confidence interval at 95% are −0.693 and 0.951, respectively) in favor of experimental group, as positive and at negligible level.
Butuner, S. O. (2015). Impact of Using History of Mathematics on Students’ Mathematics Attitude: A Meta-Analysis Study.
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(4), 337-349.